Education: Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, Doctor of Biomedical Sciences, Master of Science in Statistics, Master of Science in Clinical Psychology (licensed clinical psychologist)
Welcome to my personal website!
I am a developmental and clinical research psychologist. My primary focus is on advancing scientific knowledge about why (non-suicidal) self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (e.g., cutting, hitting oneself) emerge and how to timely predict and prevent their occurrence. More broadly, I am interested in mental health research among adolescents and emerging adults and the implementation of digital tools in mental health care. My research makes use of a range of complementary methodological approaches (e.g., epidemiological surveys, clinic-based studies, and real-time monitoring).
On this website (which is truly a work in progress), you can find more information about my research interests, past and current work.
I am currently affiliated with Tilburg University (The Netherlands) as an Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology and as a Senior Research Fellow (FWO funded) with KU Leuven (Belgium). Please contact me if you would be interested in collaborating in any areas that overlap with my interests.
What's new?
Featured Recent Publications:
- Robillard, C. L., Claes, L., Victor, S. E., Myin-Germeys, I., & Kiekens, G. (2025). Self-criticism is a real-time predictor of non-suicidal self-injury and disordered eating: An ecological momentary assessment study among treatment-seeking individuals. Journal of Affective Disorders, 371, 13-21.
- Kiekens, G., Claes, L., Kleiman, E., Luyckx, K., Coppersmith, D. D., Fortgang, R., Myin-Germeys, I., & Nock, M. K. (2024). The short-term course of non-suicidal self-injury among individuals seeking psychiatric treatment. JAMA Network Open, 7(10), e2440510-e2440510.
Onderzoek naar Zelfverwonding Bekroond met Wetenschapsprijs (Eos Wetenschap, Psyché en Brein):
Voor zijn onderzoek krijgt Glenn Kiekens de POWER, de Paul Ooms award voor research naar mentaal Welzijn. De jury prijst Kiekens’ werk als “maatschappelijk zeer relevant, want de problematiek betreft een grote groep jongeren. Het preventie-aspect van het onderzoek kan verlichting bieden voor de lange wachtlijsten voor psychologische hulp en toont dat de verantwoordelijkheid voor het mentaal welzijn van jongeren ook bij de samenleving ligt.” Uitreiking 5 december